Friday, August 17, 2007

I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sorry for not updating FOREVER!!!! But I have so much to say and so much to upload...give me...2 days? I promise much updation to you all!


Liza said...
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Liza said...

ok,but just 2 days :) no more;))
thanx,i`m fine)
i wanted to order HP at first,but then..don`t think it`s a good idea `cause i still remember how once i ordered AFI`s god,i was waiting for 6 months (motherf*ckin S to the IBERIA)..really!!! i will have a chance to get book next year if i order it now,haha:)
anyway, i will be patient, i will wait for November,trying not to know the end of the last book..we`ll see if i cope with it..

Fantamazing! said...

Whooa! It Has been awhile!!
Whoao! Cex Cells is amazing! i love the cd! I wonder if they will do another? hhe
that must really hurt you cant go to the signing! really sucks! I wish i could go ha but being all north...yeah...
My Summer has Been really strange...nothing interesting besides the father wanting to renovate everything :S ha how about you? and sadly yes, school is coming and im dreading the upcoming semester because of all the math I must do :(
hah summer class! Whoa! Quite determined! I take it wasn't very much fun? and one more year of that same class? ouchh! what are you transfering into??
And the heat has totally stopped and now its ongoing rain! woot! I hope it becomes really nice over there :D
OH yeah! I love that picture too haha so great!