There’s this new movie coming out called “
Teeth.” It’s all about the myth of some women having a toothed vagina. Yeah. I know. It does look good and it had great reviews at the Sundance Film Festival. Personally, I find it kind of funny…Check it out if you’re into dark/horror comedy.
I burned my forehead with my curling iron. I didn’t think it was that bad (there was no visible burned skin), but when I came home that night and pinned back my bangs…in the mirror I saw this gorgeous brown line that fell in midst of my eyebrows. I couldn’t help but laugh at myself (by myself); this is when I’m very thankful for having bangs (but they’re the ones that caused that burn!). Have you noticed that I injure myself about every other week (
missed the post?)? It’s as if I heal from some body damage and I end up hurting myself again. I am a walking disaster…life’s never boring :-).
Went to Whole Foods and got meself a fab box of 2 types of tabuleh, lemon noodles, and tofu. I’ve had better, that’s for sure.

I was in this mood to have tomato soup all last week…tomato soup? I don’t even like tomato soup that much. But the cravings were calling, so I decided to make it. And guess what? I fell in love. Yes, my dear friends, I fell in love with tomato soup. They say that your taste buds change after seven years, and I think those seven years came and went…AND THE TASTE FOR TOMATO SOUP ENTERED MY BRAIN (and mouth).
I poked around my cookbooks (veggie and non-veggie) to get the gist of what it’s made out of (tomatoes, duh) and I created THE MASTERFUL TOMATO SOUP!

I served it with tortilla chips (
<3) and a cheesy sauce. Speaking of cheesy sauce…I made the one from Veganomicon…OMIGOD! This is the first time I think I’ve ever hated a recipe from Isa! I mean that woman is my idol, but urgh! It tasted like acid reflux with fart. I’m not joking! So I poured (God knows how much) soymilk, added cayenne, paprika, and more salt. Phew! After my attempt to recover from the original recipe, I had succeeded! Alas, the creamy pleasant taste of cheese enveloped my mouth.

I baked some classic chocolate chip cookies and hearty oatmeal raisin cookies served with soymilk :-). Too bad Santa’s not around to feel the love.

I was surprised to read that a lot of you haven’t tried rose water before. Hmmm…I guess you can say it does taste like roses…it’s very strong, so you have to use it sparingly to give it the “rose” flavor. As I mentioned in my last post, most Persian desserts are lavished with rose water and that is why I don’t like it much. When I do need it, I go to the nearby Persian market (I usually have it at home because my dad loves that stuff…) to buy it.

I think I’ll begin experimenting with some recipes to make my favorite childhood Persian cookie…it’s made out of chickpea flour (and rose water…ha) and it’s always in a shape of a tiny flower with four petals and a tiny red dot in the center. It’s extremely soft, but sturdy enough to keep its shape when handling it…not to mention it literally melts in your mouth. Yeah, I’ll get on the recipe ASAP.
My mum and I were kind of crazy on Friday night and took a whole bunch of chaotic pictures. Every time I look at them I just crack up…we’re such goobers together. {The major embarrassing ones are excluded…like these aren’t embarrassing enough}
I bought a new cell phone charm. I was in dire need to replace my star Pooh Bear, so I bought a Pokemon one! Made me very happy indeed. (Sorry to be all nerdy on you)

I thought I’d end with a few
Mutts comics(because I so dearly love these and every single Mutts comic that’s ever been made). And did you know that
Patrick McDonnel is veg? It’s true, you do learn something new everyday :-)

The End.
(for today)
P.S. I might not be able to update for a while because the laptop needs to be fixed…I may be lucky enough to get my hands on someone else’s computer then I can check up on you lovely people. In the mean time, take care of yourselves while my poor laptop takes a breather. <3